Can I Get PT at Home?

If you or someone you love has suffered from an illness, injury, or surgery, there are a lot of different therapies that can be administered in the home. These therapies can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. When based at home these therapies can help people to develop their independence in day-to-day activities, while also allowing them to do so in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. Because of this, families are also able to be closely involved and help with therapy too.

Obviously, therapy is an important part in helping someone regain a sense of productivity and independence, and therapists are normally a crucial part of the care and support of a person during this time.

Physical Therapy

No matter if the issue is the result of injury or disease, physical therapy will help get a person back to maximum health. A physical therapist will work with patients to prevent a loss of mobility by creating fitness-and-wellness-oriented programs to kick-start a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Physical therapy could be good for someone going through difficulties from:

  • A loss of balance
  • A fall
  • Difficulty walking
  • Joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Hip or knee replacement surgery
  • A stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Any noticeable decline in function

Occupational Therapy

OT focuses on someone’s ability to perform tasks related to everyday life, and helps to promote independence by improving those skills or teaching other ways of accomplishing them. Occupational therapy might be the appropriate choice for someone after suffering from:

  • Hip or knee replacement surgery
  • A stroke
  • Heart failure
  • A heart attack
  • Joint pain in hands, arms, or shoulders
  • Difficulty dressing
  • Difficulty bathing
  • Difficulty with meals
  • Declining memory
  • Any noticeable decline in function

Speech and Language Therapy

This type of therapy is geared toward helping people improve their breathing, speaking, or swallowing functioning. Speech therapy is more focused on the ability to understand words and the ability to use them to express one’s self. Speech therapists may be called upon for those who have injuries related to:

  • A stroke
  • A heart attack
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty speaking

As you can see, this article provided more than just the answer to the initial question. Hopefully it gave you a bit of an overview as to what type of recovery each therapy type is geared toward, and when it may be the most applicable to you or a family member, friend, or other loved one.