What To Do When One Spouse is Well and One is Sick

It can be hard enough trying to take care of ourselves when we’re sick, but when we get married and invite someone new into our lives, it can be downright scary, especially if we’re facing their sickness for the first time. In normal circumstances, like a common cold, sickness normally passes quickly, and they’re often back to normal very soon. But in rare instances where something more serious is wrong, what do you do then? How do you handle something that’s trying to break you or them down?

In those times, it can be very confusing, especially in the beginning. But if you find yourself in this position now, it’s important to not lose heart, no matter how hopeless things may look. If you want to know what to do first, try taking care of any immediate needs—such as food or hydration. It’s also important to know that you don’t have to try to meet every need or take care of everything all at once. Deal with the things you know you can handle first before trying to tackle anything else.

If your loved one is dealing with a chronic disease or illness, researching it is always a good thing to do. And while the internet contains a wealth of information about almost everything you could ever think of remember to not overwhelm yourself by looking up every single thing you can find on the topic. Do enough of your own research to find out exactly what you’re up against and definitely talk to your doctor or other health care provider if you’re having trouble figuring out exactly what you can do to help.

Next, if you need to, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of others when the time comes. Other, able-bodied family members, trusted friends or neighbors may all be willing to step up and help out wherever they can. Another thing you must remember is that, even though chronic illness can make you feel like the most isolated person on earth, you really aren’t. You don’t have to try and take on the weight of the world on your own, so why would you?

People often pray during difficult times, regardless of if they are religious or not. Their current situation has made them feel so helpless and hopeless, they figure it couldn’t hurt any more than anything else already does. However, if you or your spouse is religious, faith can be a great support during difficult times. Enlist the help of your congregation and ask for prayers from clergy.

Finally, remember that, even in such difficult times, your spouse is there to support you too, inasmuch as they are physically or mentally able. If he or she seems to be more positive, it may be that they are trying to help you  feel better about the situation too. A marriage is a partnership and a two-way street. One’s strengths may lie in the other’s weaknesses, and by working together as much as you can, in whatever way you can, you can make it through anything.