What to Do When Medicare Benefits Are Discontinued

You are no doubt aware of the importance of government-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. They provide invaluable services to those that qualify, and give access to treatments, medications, and services that might otherwise be unattainable for some individuals. Whether you are taking advantage of these programs right now or not, chances are you most likely know someone who is. Since these programs are so beneficial, we can assume that, for some, it could be devastating if the benefits are suddenly discontinued. If you find yourself (or a loved one) in a similar situation, what can you do?

The truth is that when Medicare benefits are discontinued, you still have a couple choices available to you. You may still keep receiving Medicare benefits on the basis of private pay, though the rates may change and be higher. Another option available is to leave the rehab facility and go back home (or to a long-term care community) and try to get outpatient rehabilitation services there. If this option seems more feasible to you, you can talk with your physician and get a prescription for the benefits. Many times when inpatient rehabilitation benefits are all used up from Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B still has a great many benefits available. There are a lot of rehab services that give outpatient rehab to individuals in their home or within their long-term care facility.

However, if your benefits have been cut off and either you or your physician thinks you could use more rehabilitative services, then you could also attempt to appeal the decision that revoked your benefits. A lot of times, a successful appeal can allow for additional services to be covered by Medicare as well. The basis for the appeal would be based on the fact that you have the ability to continue to improve if services are continued or, conversely, you would get worse if services were discontinued. 

If you or a loved one is facing the potential for discontinued benefits, don’t think twice about trying to appeal the decision, especially if it is thought that either you or your loved one would improve with being able to receive continued benefits.

If you have any questions regarding this or any other services provided by Medicare, be sure to speak with your physician and voice your concerns and inquiries. It’s important that people know that, even if they may be facing the possibility of discontinued benefits, they still have some options available to them and aren’t just going to be left with nothing.