Healthcare Assessments and Evaluations

A health care assessment can be necessary to getting you the proper help and care that you need later on in life. It is also known as an “assessment of need.”

When you go in for the assessment, there will often be a specialist (usually an occupational therapist) who will look over your individual needs and discuss them with you. In doing so, they make sure that you get the right support you need where you need it. 

Some services you might need include healthcare, equipment, help in the home and residential care. The assessment should show which of your needs are most important, and should also show risks to you if you weren’t given help. If needed, local health and social services teams will put together a support package for you and discuss it with you and write a care plan. This can include services from both private and voluntary organizations. If you require other services, like housing or benefits advice, you’ll be able to be put in touch with the necessary local services.

Some services and support you might be able to receive can include the following:

  • Home care help with things like cleaning and shopping
  • Disability equipment and adaptations to the home
  • Day centers to give you or your caregiver a break
  • Day care for your child if either you or they have a disability
  • Residential care or nursing homes

If you’ve been assessed and found to require help from social services, you could possibly get direct payments to choose and buy the services yourself. Otherwise you can get them directly from your health trust.

Please be aware that many people’s health and social needs can change with time, and your plan should be reviewed regularly. The reviews should take place at times or intervals that have been previously specified in the care plan or at any other time it is deemed necessary to do so.

If you would like to be reassessed due to a change in your needs, please contact your local trust. You can also find out more about the health and social care needs assessments available in your area by doing an online search for those things where you live.