When Your Loved One Doesn’t Want to Move

When it comes to caring for an elderly loved one, there’s a lot to consider before even taking that first step. It’s a very confusing, often frustrating time for everyone in the family, and perhaps most of all, for the elder themselves. An especially difficult conversation can be discussing whether it’s the right time for them to move into a nursing home or other long-term care facility. For this article, we are focusing on what to do if and when your loved one is firmly against moving out of their own home.

First things first, have a roundtable discussion with family members and the elder. Discuss the current situation, any issues or problems that may have come up either recently or in the past, and weigh them against the idea of moving into a long-term care facility or nursing home. Perhaps the elder’s home is ill-equipped to deal with many situations that can and often do arise when caring for an elderly individual, or maybe other family members are not always able to be around to provide the level of constant care the person needs. No matter the concern, be sure to talk about it.

If he or she is still insistent on staying at home, you might schedule a visit to a care facility and bring the elder along if they are able. We’ll discuss specific tips and pointers about long-term care tours in another article. If you have found a nursing home or other facility that looks promising, take the elder along to visit so that they can voice their concerns. Perhaps the stagnation they’re exuding is coming from a place of uncertainty. By experiencing some of what the facility has to offer, this may help to alleviate some of their apprehension and provide a way to help ease the elder into the idea of living outside the home.

Sometimes, even that might not be enough. If that is the case, then it may be best to be frank with the person. Let them know that their health and well-being comes first and foremost to you, and that you fear that they may not be able to be properly cared for if they stay where they are. After all, you want the best for them, and you know they want the best for themselves. It just so happens that what is best may not be found in their home anymore. 

By moving into a good care facility you can have peace of mind in knowing that kind and caring professionals are providing your loved one with the consistent care that they need in order to live a happy, fulfilling life. At first, the elder in your life may not think it’s as good as living at home, but in the long run everyone will be better off by making sure they get the appropriate care that they need.